Configure Netbeans For Android development
I just configured my netbook to do android development in netbeans. So just sharing my experience here. Before I start below is the details of the hardware and software Hardware: Acer Aspire One Software: OS: Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.10 Others: Netbeans IDE 7 M2,Android SDK There is a nice plugin for Netbeans available called nbandroid and can be found at http :// kenai . com / projects / nbandroid / . I installed this plugin to my Netbeans IDE from the update center. To do so you can follow the instructions at http :// kenai . com / projects / nbandroid / pages / Install . Once installed next I need to download and install the Android SDK from http :// developer . android . com / sdk / index . html . In my case I have chosen the linux sdk. You can choose the one appropriate to your platform. Once downloaded do exract it to a folder.Next you can follow the steps given in http :// developer . android . com / sdk / installing . html . But you can easily skip all the steps ...