Configure Netbeans For Android development

I just configured my netbook to do android development in netbeans. So just sharing my experience here. Before I start below is the details of the hardware and software

Acer Aspire One
OS: Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.10
Others: Netbeans IDE 7 M2,Android SDK
There is a nice plugin for Netbeans available called nbandroid and can be found at . I installed this plugin to my Netbeans IDE from the update center. To do so you can follow the instructions at . Once installed next I need to download and install the Android SDK from . In my case I have chosen the linux sdk. You can choose the one appropriate to your platform. Once downloaded do exract it to a folder.Next you can follow the steps given in But you can easily skip all the steps about installing eclipse (that is steps 1,3) as we are not going to use eclipse as the IDE. In the instruction the most important part is at step 4. This step lets you configure and add the platforms to your sdk tools. next you need to add the android platform to your netbeans ide. To do so please follow the given steps
1) From the top menu select tools -> Java Platforms
2) The java platforms dialog will open.
3) click add platform
4) Select Google Android Open Handheld Platform, click next and it will ask you to choose the sdk folder.
5)Next you will have to select the target platform from the list
6) Please select the platform of your choice and click finish to complete the wizard.
Now you are all set to create an android application in netbeans. You can just create a new android project and start coding on it. Just a word of caution in my case the emulator took some time to start. It could be due to the fact that i m using an Intel atom based laptop.
Do enjoy coding for android and let me know your feedback


SX said…
Just my 2cents - may be usefull:
if you want to use some additional libraries in the Android project under Netbeans( such as ksoap2 in my case) is good to remember to add -pre-jar section in build.xml of your project. Assuming that you have placed libraries in libs subfolder, it should look like :
Ben said…
Good article - nbandroid is a great plugin. Out of curisoity, I too am learning to develop Android apps on Linux using NetBeans and was wondering - do you use the emulator to run your code or do you have a physical handset to test on and how well does that work under Linux?

Tiklu Ganguly said…
Thanx SX. Thank you for your addition :). This is something new for me
Tiklu Ganguly said…
Hi Ben, I do have a physical Android Mobile (Samsung Galaxy Spica with Android 2.1) and I am still in the learning phase of creating app for android. But though I am yet to add any app created by me to my mobile. When I do that I will surely share my experience here
Ben said…
Hi Tiklu,

Thanks for the response. I shall look forward to reading how you get one with developing your first Android App.

Good post. But if you install the new 1.3 (still beta) version of the Android Plugin on Netbeans 7rc2, you must configure your Android SDK location under the preferences.
thermz said…
Thanks! You spared me a lot of time! ;-)
Unknown said…
It's Really helpful information for Android development.

Now Android development will have the capability of providing bonus versions that are compatible and within the same offering, instead of cluttering up the marketplace with multiple listings that end up confusing the user.
Glad to visit this professional blog... I would love to learn more and more about technical and programming related things.. Great work!
Unknown said…
The task of Android Apps Development has altered the focus of many IT firms. Less than a decade ago, software development was the only source of earnings for most businesses.
Anonymous said…
I am still in the learning phase of creating app for android.Thanks for sharing it.

android mobile development
Tiklu Ganguly said…
Hi Vivian thanks for the comments. Peoples like you always inspire me to write more blogs. Unfortunately I was been dead busy with my office life. But I decided to write atleast one blog post per month. So soon you may see some more blogs post. BTW if you are interested in anything in particular please feel free to let me know.
Tiklu Ganguly said…
Thanks RM. I am happy that my blog post helped you :). And sorry for the late reply :D
Meghna said…
Good one with explanation from scratch.... Even this also might help... Have a look...

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